The event headquarters will be located at Graysonside Guest House, situated on the outskirts of Cockermouth. Click link for address details. *IMPORTANT* Since 2022 parking has moved to Cockermouth rugby club 0.6 miles and Cockermouth football club 0.3 miles from the venue at £3 per vehicle. Alternatively, we recommend parking in one of the permitted areas of Cockermouth, the walk from the town centre is around 1 - 1.5 miles.
Race numbers will be posted out in mid/late December to avoid having an inside registration and keep inline with covid requirements. If you loose your number before the event their will be a replacement cost as this has the embedded timing chip on the number.
Site opens for event staff - 7.30 am ​
Registration help desk opens - 8.30 am and closes at 9.30am
Race briefing - 9.40 am​
Race start time - 10K - 09.55 am / HM - 10.00 am
Food and Drink will be available to purchase after the event in the registration area.
Every competitor will receive a medal, food & drink, chip timed results .
Prize giving for the winners will be as close to 12.30 pm as possible depending on finish times and conditions.
As the event is NOT on closed roads, runners must follow the instructions of the marshal's at junctions and the whole course will be sign posted. Please keep on the left hand side of the road and be alert where there are junctions although these will be marshaled. EventsupNorth and any businesses or people affiliated to the event will not be held liable for any injury, loss, damage or death during this event.
We are pleased to have on the day photography provided by Stephen Wilson at Grand Day Out Photography